Mainnet Validator
Turn a current node into a validator on the mainnet
This guide contains instructions on how to setup and run an Umee validator. First, be sure to check out the full node instructions on how to install and configure the umeed
binary as this guide assumes you already have it installed and configured.
There are three (3) crucial processes required for a healthy validator node: Umeed, Peggo and Price-Feeder
In order to become an active validator, you must have more stake than the bottom validator. You may still execute the following steps, but you will not be active and therefore won't receive staking rewards.
Prior to creating your validator, you must first create your "operator" key. Note, this is not your consensus key and will not be used for signing. Instead, it is used to identify you validator in the Umee network.
umeed keys add <key-name> [flags]
By default, umeed
will store keys in your OS-backed keyring. You can change this behavior by specifying the --keyring-backend
If you already have a key that you'd like to import via a mnemonic, you can provide a --recover
flag and the keys add
command will prompt you for the BIP39 mnemonic.
Visit the Cosmos SDK's keyring documentation for more information
Ethereum Node
The Gravity Bridge requires that validators also run a peggo
orchestrator in addition to the umeed
process. The orchestrator requires access to a geth
node's RPC instance. A geth
light client can be used, but a full node is preferable.
You may choose to operate your own geth
node or use a publicly available one. However, in production environments, it is recommended that you run your own. Depending on what network you're running your Umee validator on, you'll want to connect to or setup your geth
node to the appropriate Ethereum network. See the geth
CLI documentation for more information on how to connect to different Ethereum networks.
Follow these steps to install a GETH node and turn your umee node into a validator
- First install the go-ethereum binary
tar xf geth-linux-amd64-1.10.8-26675454.tar.gz
chmod +x geth-linux-amd64-1.10.8-26675454/geth
sudo mv geth-linux-amd64-1.10.8-26675454/geth /usr/local/bin/
2. Create a new ethereum wallet. Copy the wallet address and be sure to store the private keys.
geth account new
Or you can see the key store using this command
geth account list
3. Create a systemd service file for your GETH client
sudo tee /etc/systemd/system/geth.service > /dev/null <<EOF
Description=Geth node
ExecStart=/usr/local/bin/geth --syncmode light --http --http.addr= --http.port=8545 --goerli
4. Run the service
sudo systemctl daemon-reload
sudo systemctl enable geth
sudo systemctl start geth
5. Install Peggo gravity bridge orchestrator release for your architecture, the client for cross-chain interaction, eg. on Linux/x86:
sudo mv peggo /usr/local/bin/
6. Let’s export some additional variables. In all commands below in the first command you will receive the value you need to replace part of the next command
Validator address:
umeed keys show UMEE_WALLET_NAME --bech val -a
echo 'export VAL_ADDRESS=VALIDATOR_ADDRESS' >> ~/.profile
Umee wallet address:
umeed keys show UMEE_WALLET_NAME -a
echo 'export PEGGO_UMEE_KEY=UMEE_WALLET_ADDRESS' >> ~/.profile
Ethereum wallet address:
peggo keys eth show ETH_WALLET_NAME
echo 'export PEGGO_ETH_KEY=ETH_WALLET_ADDRESS' >> ~/.profile
source ~/.profile
7. Register the validator's Ethereum key. This key will be used to sign claims going from Ethereum to Umee and to sign any transactions sent to Ethereum (batches or validator set updates).
Note: do not include the enclosing
when filling out those variables
$ umeed tx gravity set-orchestrator-address \
--eth-priv-key="..." \
--chain-id="..." \
--fees="..." \
--keyring-backend=... \
--keyring-dir=... \
8. Run the Orchestrator
$ /usr/local/bin/peggo orchestrator {GRAVITY_ADDRESS} \
--eth-rpc=$ETH_RPC \
--relay-batches=true \
--valset-relay-mode=minimum \
--cosmos-chain-id=... \
--cosmos-grpc="tcp://..." \
--tendermint-rpc="http://..." \
--cosmos-keyring=... \
--cosmos-keyring-dir=... \
9. Optionally create a service file to automatically start the orchestrator
sudo tee /etc/systemd/system/peggo.service > /dev/null <<EOF
Description=Gravity Bridge Orchestrator
10. Check the sync status. If catching_up is equal to true, wait until it is false. This process may take a minute.
umeed status 2>&1 | jq -r '.SyncInfo.catching_up'
11. Check to see if you have received tokens from the faucet or that you have tokens in your new Umee wallet.
umeed q bank balances $(umeed keys show UMEE_WALLET_NAME -a)
12. If the node was synced and you have tokens you can now create a validator using the following commands
umeed tx staking create-validator \
--amount 990000000uumee \
--pubkey $(umeed tendermint show-validator) \
--chain-id umee-betanet-1 \
--moniker=YOUR-MONIKER \
--commission-max-change-rate=0.10 \
--commission-max-rate=1.0 \
--commission-rate=0.08 \
--min-self-delegation="1" \
#--amount can be different just keep on the wallet 10000000uumee
13. Link all keys on the bridge
umeed tx gravity set-delegate-keys $VAL_ADDRESS $PEGGO_UMEE_KEY $PEGGO_ETH_KEY $PEGGO_ETH_SIG --chain-id="umee-betanet-1" --from=UMEE_WALLET_NAME --fees=200uumee --gas auto
Carefully check if that transaction failed. It requires a lot of gas that can be a source of the issue.
Also, if you got a "signing validation error"
Repeat last 3 commands from step 12.
14. After a successful transaction from step 13 — run the orchestrator.
sudo systemctl daemon-reload
sudo systemctl enable peggo
sudo systemctl start peggo
To check logs and confirm that everything is in order use the following commands
journalctl -u umeed -f
journalctl -u peggo -f
journalctl -u geth -f
Calypso - v3 Upgrade Instructions
Calypso - v3 is Umee Network's latest blockchain technology release. In addition to Peggo, v3 validators must also run our Price Feeder process or will be jailed and slashed! Price Feeder fetches and aggregates exchange rate price data from various providers, then supplies them to the main oracle process.
Release Notes
Full Umee release notes are here
Umeed official release, v3.1.0
Peggo official release, v1.3.0
Price Feeder official release, v1.0.0
Make sure to configure
to includeset minimum-gas-prices = "0uumee"
at thet top level
peggo version
> version: v1.3.0
> commit: 3d335aa68c33117cb594950e23f41b298a08f1d8
> sdk: v0.46.1-umee
> go: go1.18.6 linux/amd64
umeed version
> v3.1.0
> commit: ff503f4b760ad0423d7dab42d7b5da91a9c001a1
price-feeder version
> version: v1.0.0
> commit: ae66523e0521fe2e2f37175973d09033097a5a91
> sdk: v0.46.1-umee
> go: go1.19.1 linux/amd64
Release Compatibility Matrix
Please click here to see what versions are compatible.
Ensure that your version of Peggo is compatible above. If not, the latest version 1.3.0 is available as an official release or from source.
If cosmovisor is already installed to automatically swap binaries, skip to installing Price Feeder below.
If this upgrade is to an existing validator, first choose the correct Umee release for your architecture here, manually swap the binaries, and install Price Feeder. If you would like to setup a new mainnet validator, follow those instructions first, before proceeding to install Price Feeder.
Validators must set a mempool version before the update
version = "v1"
Price Feeder
The x/oracle module requires that all validators vote on the price of assets which governance has decided to add. In order to vote on these prices, the umee team has built the price feeder.
Please click here to see what version of the price feeder is compatible with your version of the umeed binary. It is not necessary for umeed v1.0.x.
If the calypso (V3) upgrade has happened successfully, you absolutely must vote on prices to avoid being jailed and slashed.
- First, install the most recent price-feeder binary: Releases
Replace the tar with the correct architecture of the most recent price feeder version
tar xf price-feeder-v1.0.0-linux-amd64.tar.gz
chmod +x price-feeder-v1.0.0-linux-amd64/price-feeder
sudo mv price-feeder-v1.0.0-linux-amd64/price-feeder /usr/local/bin/
- Download the example config file, also on Github
cd /usr/local/bin/
- Replace the example values in your config
Set up your keyring using the description here.
Update the [account]
information with the correct chain-id (umee-1 for mainnet), address, and validator address from your keyring.
address = "umee15nejfgcaanqpw25ru4arvfd0fwy6j8clccvwx4"
chain_id = "umee-1"
validator = "umeevaloper12tysz6mzrawenca2t3t7ltym4hfjj8a5upsn2k"
In order to get your address & validator address, given a key with the name
, you can run:
umeed keys show alice -a --bech=acc
umeed keys show alice -a --bech=val
- Create a systemd service file
sudo tee /etc/systemd/system/price-feeder.service > /dev/null <<EOF
Description=Umee Price Feeder[Service]
ExecStart=bash -c 'echo "\n" | price-feeder .price-feeder/config.toml --log-level debug'
Note: The price feeder hits a lot of endpoints to get prices for assets. Sometimes the websocket connections disconnect and cannot reconnect. If this is happening, set up the service file to restart the process after a few hours:
RuntimeMaxSec=14400s # 4h
- Start your service
sudo systemctl daemon-reload
sudo systemctl enable price-feeder
sudo systemctl start price-feeder
Please check to make sure your price feeder is running successfully
sudo journalctl -u price-feeder.service -f
If it's not, please check your config. Common problems are:
- Wrong address
- Wrong Chain ID
- Wrong keyring info
- Invalid providers / token pairs - check coingecko to see the available providers for a given coin
- Not voting on all required tokens
- When ready to delegate feed consent, the
argument is the same as theaddress =
from your price-feeder.toml, eg.
umeed tx oracle delegate-feed-consent <validator_adress> <price-feeder_address> --chain-id umee-1 --fees 2000uumee