The following queries are available on the leverage module:
General queries:
- Registered Tokens returns the entire Token Registry
- Params returns the module's current parameters
- Liquidation Targets queries a list of all borrowers eligible for liquidation
Queries on accepted asset types:
- Borrow APY queries for the Borrow APY of a specified denomination.
- Lend APY queries for the Lending APY of a specified denomination.
- Reserve Amount queries for the amount reserved of a specified denomination.
- Exchange Rate queries the uToken Exchange Rate of a given uToken denomination.
- Market Size queries the Market Size of a specified denomination.
- Token Market Size queries the Market Size of a specified denomination, but denominated in base tokens instead of USD. This amounts to total loaned by all lenders + interest accrued.
- Market Summary combines several asset-specifying queries for more efficient frontend access.
Queries on account addresses:
- Borrowed queries for the amount of a given token denomination borrowed by a user. If a denomination is not supplied, the total for each borrowed token is returned.
- BorrowedValue queries for the USD value of the amount of a given token denomination borrowed by a user. If a denomination is not supplied, the total across all of that user's borrowed tokens is returned.
- Loaned queries for the amount of a given token denomination loaned by a user. If a denomination is not supplied, the total sum of all of that user's loaned tokens is returned.
- LoanedValue queries for the USD value of the amount of a given token denomination loaned by a user. If a denomination is not supplied, the total across all of that user's loaned tokens is returned.
- Collateral Setting queries a borrower's collateral setting (enabled or disabled) of a specified uToken denomination.
- Collateral queries a user's collateral amount by token denomination. If a denomination is not supplied, the total for each collateral token is returned.
- CollateralValue queries a user's collateral value in USD by token denomination. If a denomination is not supplied, the sum over all collateral tokens is returned.
- Borrow Limit queries the Borrow Limit in USD of a given user.
- Liquidation Limit queries the Borrow Limit in USD of a given user.